If you can not find your reducer it may be obsolete. Check this list for your reducer, this should help you find the appropriate replacement. Whether or not it is obsolete, contact us, we can help you select the appropriate reducer for your application. Keep in mind some of these reducers date back to the “Roaring Twenties” some 80 years ago.
These units have been replaced by the Ultramax. C, DI, DIX, DU, DS, DZ, DZX, E, EF, EFX, EZ, EZX, LI, LIX, LU, LUX, RI, RIX, RS, RU, RZ, RZX
Small Right Angle
These units have been replaced by the Ultramite. CB, EB, EBF, EBM, EBZ, FB, FCB, FZB
These units have been replaced by the A-Plus. DA, DF, DFT, DO, DOA, GDA, GDF, GDFT, GHC, GHF, GHFT, GRA, GRF, GRFT, HA, HC, HF, HFT, RA, RF, RFT, RO, ROA
Large Right Angle
These units have been replaced by the A-Plus. DB, DBT, DX, DXV, DXVT, GDB, GDBT, GDX, GDXX, GHB, GHBT, GRB, GRBT, GRX, GRXX, HB, HBT, HX, HXT, RB, RBT, RX, RXV, RXVT, YB
Shaft Mounted
The units have been replaced by the Quadrive. 100J, 1000J, 2000J, 3000J
Worm Gear
These units have been replaced by the Omnibox. 100W, A, AA, AAM, AO, AOD, AODF, ASO, ASU, ASV, AU, AUD, AUDF, AV, AVD, AVDF, B, BO, BOJ, BOW, BU, BUJ, BUW, BXD, BXJD, BXJU, BXU, BXWD, BXWU, CAS, CASM, HWFM, HWM, HWSM
High Speed Drives
HCH, P, PA, PB, PC, PD, Q, QA, QB, QC, S
Special Drives