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Falk Parallel Drive Ready For Your Business

Falk photophoto of gears

This Falk Parallel Gear Drive is ready for use in your business today. The Gear Drive is a quality piece that will serve your needs for years to come. Mar-Dustrial Sales, Inc. carries these high quality drives because the Falk Corporation has many years of experience creating drives and machinery that endure through a great deal of use.

Once the Falk Company was committed to producing gears in the early 1900’s, it began to make the same type of gears it still makes today: large industrial gears. The company’s initial customers included: Carnegie Steel Anaconda Cooper, Allis-Chalmers, Firestone, Goodyear, and General Electric. In the early days of producing gears, the company made heavy-duty units that could transmit the power to crush ore, roll steel, grind raw rubber, tilt blast furnaces, generate electricity, and pump water to cities. By 1914, the Falk Company was manufacturing gears for the naval industry. Today, Falk products are used by many industries, including paper, mining, cement, power generation, steel, coal, grain, marine transportation, food processing, and chemicals. Mar-Dustrial carries a wide variety of Falk products that can meet your needs.

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