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Anatomy of an F Coupling

The Falk F coupling was so well designed that even though it’s now obsolete (replaced by the updated T coupling), it’s still a commonly used and requested surplus part. With its rugged grid design and superior protection against shock and misalignment, the F coupling offers many advantages. The following is a look at how F […]

Now Handling Your Hansen Gearbox Repair Needs

Here at Mar-Dustrial, we’re best known for our ability to repair Falk gear reducers. What fewer people realize is that we also specialize in servicing Hansen gearboxes. Hansen is a leading global manufacturer of industrial gear drives, with service centers located in several countries. Hansen gearboxes are used in a wide range of applications, including […]

Grid Couplings vs. Gear Couplings

Couplings play a critical role in any industrial machinery configuration. As the point of connection between rotating shafts, they allow power to be transmitted to the gear reducer, converted into torque and passed on to the machinery being driven. When chosen properly, the right couplings can even adjust for misalignments between connecting shafts. There are […]

Product Spotlight: Hansen UniMiner Gearbox

One of the biggest challenges in mining operations is the need to assemble equipment in cramped spaces, often resulting in unusual machinery configurations. To address this problem, Hansen gearbox developers created the UniMiner, a unique gear unit designed to meet the needs of mining and other applications involving bulk materials. The alignment-free, sealed design the […]

Why Hansen Gearboxes Excel for Mining Applications

Few industrial environments are as grueling for a gear reducer as the mining industry. Cramped spaces, shock loads and airborne particulate all place heavy demands on mining equipment; withstanding these conditions requires exceptionally heavy-duty machinery, such as Hansen gearboxes. Hansen gear reducers have a reputation in the mining industry for their ability to hold up […]

Features and Benefits of F Couplings

Falk couplings come in many different varieties, each suited to certain situations or applications. Over the years, as Falk has refined its coupling designs and innovated new solutions for connecting mechanical parts, some couplings have fallen out of common use or have been replaced with more modern versions. One example of this phenomenon is the […]

Essential Considerations when Selecting a Falk Gearbox for Industrial Applications

Selecting the right Falk gearbox for an application is as much an art as it is a science. Choosing the wrong Falk gear reducer can affect everything from machinery performance to facility output to compliance with federal regulations. Aside from compatibility factors such as speed, horsepower, torque and load-bearing capacity, there are many other considerations […]

Types of G couplings and How They’re Used

If asked to define G couplings, the average man or woman on the street might speculate that G couplings occur between members of a Homie-G’s entourage. However, engineers, factory managers and maintenance technicians know better. They understand that G couplings connect different parts of heavy-duty machinery. This article explains just what a G coupling is, […]

Gear Reducer Spotlight: Parallel Shaft Reducer

The parallel shaft reducer has long been the preferred choice for high-torque applications. Also known as an in-line gear reducer, this type of Falk gear reducer has input and output shafts that are parallel to each other and usually features a helical or double-worm gear design. The efficiency of the parallel shaft reducer makes it […]

Gear Reducer Spotlight: Concentric Shaft Reducer

Parallel shaft drives are no longer the only option for high-torque applications. Nowadays, a concentric shaft reducer can handle high torques just as well – and often for a fraction of the cost and delivery time. Concentric drives have become more compact, as well; where once a concentric shaft reducer would have dwarfed the motor […]

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